Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lillie Grace Hays

Welcome to the world Lillie Grace. Our new baby girl was born on September 23 at 10:38 PM. She weighed 10lbs. 5.5oz and was 22" long. Good job Mom for all your hard work. Jamey was a great trooper throughout the entire process. Including my favorite line of the night, "Somebody push on my back quick!" Two hands immediately began pressure, Jamey continues "Not that much, MY GOODNESS!" It was great, I have been reminding her about it all day. Don't worry she thinks it's funny too. I am sure that Jamey will give you her version soon enough for now just now that her and Lillie are doing remarkably well. Also thank you soooooooooooo much to everyone who spent your evenings last night and previous days in prayer for Jamey. It was a great help to her and encouragement to know you were praying. Also thank you to those who took time to call and encourage her leading up to the birth. And a huge thank you to those who more or less put their lives on hold the past few days to help take care of things around the house. Thank you so much to everyone of you we love and appreciate you very much.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Still Here....

Yes, I am still here awaiting our little bundle of joy. Amazing I can still say that. I am officially 1 week overdue. PUKE!!! I just want this baby to come out! I know it will but the waiting is not fun especially for a non-patient person. And the fact that I am carrying around this huge basketball doesnt help matters. I am truly appreciative for all the prayers. I know that God will deliver in time. I just hope it is soon. This baby isnt getting any smaller. hehe! I have absolutely no idea how it could be comfortable in there. I have no more room to grow at least thats what it feels like. ANYWAYS!
Gram and Pop have been here all week and still no baby. And they are having to leave tomorrow to get back home for church on Sunday. I feel so bad that this baby isnt here so they could spend time with it. It does a day left if it hurries. I think they may be going to come back in a couple weeks though if it doesnt make its grand appearance soon.
I have tried everything to get this baby to come except castor oil and I just dont think that one is for me. Dustin and I even went walking last night after we put the kids to bed. Gram and Pop watched them and we walked forever! But still as of now no baby! Just keep Praying!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Craft Show

Today Sis.Karen and I went to a craft show. Its the big one that is in Springs every year. We went and walked andwalked and walked. I think we walked for around 3 to 3 1/2 hours. She is trying to help out with getting this baby on th emove. Dus kept the other two kiddos and so it was also a nice little get away time. He's such a great guy. He also cooked me breakfast this morning before I left and cleaned up my kitchen which was a mess before he started cooking. He is soooo good to me. Sis. Karen and I had a great time today of course. I love that lady. Well two days late and this kid is still hanging on. hehe! Sis. Karen and cathy's birthday's are Monday so maybe it is holding out for that. I also have some company coming on Monday. Gram and Pop (grandparents) are going to be here sometime on Monday so it could be holding out for them. Who knows the reason but it will come when its ready and when God's ready. I just hope its soon so gram and pop can spend sometime with it. Well I guess i will keep you posted.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Still Waiting...

Well just wanted to let everyone know that today is my due date and still waiting! Surprise! Well I'll keep everyone posted in the days to come. Later!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Another Day.... the life of a very miserable pregnant lady. hehe! You guys will all be soooo glad when I finally have this baby so I will stop complaining. I know! I have 2 days left until my actual due date, which is Sept. 11. But I just dont know if this baby is ready to cooperate and come. So it could very well be after my due date when it finally comes. Please pray that it isnt so. I want to have this baby now! Actually I want to have it when God wants me too, I just hope that it is soon.
Everything else is going pretty good. The kids are getting really excited. They are always telling the baby to come and see them. It is soooo cute! I think they are going to be very good helpers.

Last night, Dus and I wrote down our guesses as to how much we think the baby will weigh and its length. I think he said, 9lbs 6 ozs and 20 1/2 inches. My guess is 9lbs 9ozs and 21 inches long. Does anyone else have a guess?
This could be fun to see who gets the closest.
I guess thats it for now.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Fun

Well lets see, last weekend was alot of fun. Derek and LeAnndra came on Thursday evening and stayed until Monday. It was a great time visiting with them. On Saturday morning we had all decided to go to the Hot Air Balloon Festival at Memorial Park. Over 70 hot air balloons were going to take off. THey were going to take off at 7am so we all loaded up at 5:30 am to get there in time and get a good parking. We met the Lewis clan there. I know it sounds crazy to get up that early but it was so cool and lots of fun. After all the balloons took off we all went to Village Inn for a big breakfast. After breakfast we all came back to the house and some napped, kids played, and they guys played basketball. Later that afternoon we had a big cookout. Lots of Fun!! On Sunday Derek preached for us and it was a good sermon. After church we went to Famous Daves BBQ. We had a great weekend. But still no BABY! I do have lots of pics below so be sure to go on down and see!

Pregnancy Pics

Here are some recent pregnancy pics for all you sickos who want to see a big, miserable pregnant lady!hehe Yes still pregnant! I am beginnning to think this baby is NEVER going to come out. I am soooo ready for this baby to come. I know it will come sooner or later, I was just hoping for the sooner. Anyways enjoy the gross pics and I will be blogging again soon because I have lots of pics from Labor Day. Please continue to keep me and the baby in your prayers. Thanks!