Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Weekend!!!

The weekend turned out to be very relaxing and enjoyable. Just me and the kids all weekend. Dustin went to men's retreat and had a very good time according to him. He couldn't quit talking about what a great time they all had and I am very glad he was able to go. As for me and the kids we had a pretty good time as well. Friday, c we had pizza and watched a couple movies, Isaac watched a kid movie and then when I got the kids to bed I made popcorn and watched a girly movie. It was peaceful and enjoyable. Then I went to bed. Saturday, I did some cleaning and bathed my kids. I was going to go to Pueblo and stay with Sis Michele and Sis Tammy, but it started to snow so I didn't go. The snow melted as it came down so it didn't cover anything.
That night the kids and I had hamburgers and fries and watched one of Isaac's movies.Then I once again put them to bed and watched a movie then went to bed. Sunday, we got up and got around and ate then dressed for church. The kids and I went to church and had a very good service. Then after church we met up with Dustin and the Clarksons at Red Lobster and ate and visited. We had a great time getting to visit with the Clarksons. And that concludes my exciting weekend. I'm so glad you all could share it with me. lol

Aleah started officially crawling. She wants to get into everything. She loves being able to come find me and follow me around everytime I leave a room. She is also pulling up to everything. She makes the cutest sounds and grunts. She has discovered her tongue and she makes all kinids of noises with it.

Isaac is "Mr.Independent" . He thinks he can do everything. He even tries to get onto Aleah and boss her. His potty training has been going really good and hardly ever has accidents anymore. He loves wearing big boy underwear. When we go out we put a pull-up on him and he hates it. He has been doing good about telling us when he needs to go so we told him if he continued we would start letting him wear big boy pants all the time. So he is excited about that.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Aren't they just the cutest!!!

More Pictures

Here are some more pictures of the kids. I am adding these mainly for the family. They are wanting to see more pictures of the kids.

Very Bored!!!

It's me with not alot new going on. I am sort of bored right now because as many of the women in this region know tonight started Mens retreat. I am so glad Dus finally got to attend a men retreat. He has wanted to go to one for years now and was never able too. I know he was excited about going all except for he was asked to teach a class, so you know thats a little stressful at times. But all around he was excited. He left at around noon today and will be gone until Sunday afternoon. So it is very quiet around here except for the twenty thousand questions Isaac ask a day and the baby jiberish from Aleah. I did however, rent some girly movies and got snacks to sit back and relax, after the kids go to bed of course. No relaxing while they are awake. I maybe going to hang out with Sis.Michele and Sis.Tammy tomorrow night. If the weather is good. So that will be fun. Hanging out with the girls. We have been having some very pretty weather for the past few days and a lot of the snow is melted,but it is suppose to snow again tomorrow. Every weekend for the past 5 or 6 weeks it has snowed sometime during the weekend. Well until next time.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's Me Again!

Hello, I know its been awhile since I last blogged, but for some reason I couldn't get my computer to let me sign in. Not a whole lot has happened since I last blogged, but I figured I had better blog something before Heather kills me. It has been unbelievabley cold lately. I finally wore a jacket last week. Sis. Karen was so excited to see I was finally wearing a jacket. Last Thursday night Br. Jonathan Smith came and ministered to us and it was a very good message. Well potty training is still going, slowly but surely. I hate it.
Isaac started working on his ABC's a few days ago. He started making A's and believe it or not he did great. I was amazed especially because he is left handed and I figured that would make it a little harder. He says some of the funniest things and we have so much fun. He thinks he should be allowed to drive instead of us. He has really been wanting to take care of Aleah lately. He thinks he can feed her, and hold her all the time. He has a little couch and he always wants to sit on it with her and she loves it. He's a really big help with her. She loves him too. Anytime she starts to fuss he runs to her beck-n-call and tries to calm her down. Its really cute.
Miss Aleah, well she is into EVERYTHING!!! She has learned how to get anywhere she wants and always on the move. She is still trying to cut her teeth, so that has been a little stressful. I feel so sorry for her. She says momma or at least that is what it sounds like to Dus, and I. He is always trying to get her to say dadda, but noe yet. She is definetly an adventure. She has been pulling up some too. She loves her brother. Any time Isaac gets close she grabs him and starts kissing on him and hugging him. He will let her for a little while but then he gets tired of it. they are so funny to watch. They are really great kids, but of course that has nothing to do with who their parents are. Dustin has been working pretty steady and gets to be home with us a lot so we thank the Lord for that. He is a great God. Dustin is a pretty great guy too. Well thats all she wrote.

Friday, January 5, 2007

More Pictures

I will post more later. Hope all is well.

I'm Back!!!!

I know its been a few days since I last blogged, hope everyone had a great Christmas and great New Year.Here's a few pictures of Isaac and Aleah.
This was Christmas Morning.