Thursday, January 31, 2008


...that's pretty much how I've been feeling. This pregnancy is not starting out very good. I sure hope things start getting better and all this sickness goes away. Its been a rough week, Dustin has had a bad cold or the flu or something since Sunday, but he is better now. PTL!
We have been living on soups all week ,when we have actually ate. The poor kids have been living on grilled cheese, pizza rolls, and little pizzas. Finally, tonight I felt good enough so I cooked Shrimp Scampi, alfredo noodles, and breadsticks. Everyone even Isaac said this is goooood foood. Poor kid you would have thought they hadnt even been fed in days.
Anyways not alot to blog about but I wanted to post a little something for ya. Goodnight!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Busy,Busy, Busy...

It's me again. I know many of you have been wondering if I was ever going to blog again. Well here I am. Sorry it has taken me sooooo long. I feel like I have not had any time to do anything. I have been so busy trying to get moved, having company (which I have enjoyed), taking care of kids and so much other stuff, besides the computer being old and not working as fast as I would like but hey I am thankful to at least have one. Maybe someday we will get a new one.

This last weekend was Mens Retreat. Dustin said they had a great time. I as well had a great time this weekend,(except for not getting to see Heather, Ashton, and Sherrie) they were suppose to come out but had some trouble with a vehicle and was unable to come.I miss you guys! The kids and I went to Pueblo to the Lewis's house for the weekend. And Tammy Kaufman and Cathy Wantulok, and lets not forget little Connor all came and stayed the weekend as well. We had a really great time. I truly enjoyed getting to spend the weekend with all these crazy and amazing ladies. Now I am back at home and bored so I thought this would be a great time to blog.

So much has happened since I last posted, probably because its been over a month. hehe I'll try not to let that happen again. We are starting to get settled into our new house. There are some things I really want to do to it to fix it up and I'm sure I'll get to it sooner or later, lets hope for sooner. I will try to post some pictures soon of the house.

For those of you who have read my last blog you know that I am expecting another baby. We were not planning this but are excited. I am almost 7 weeks and the baby is due September 11. This is going to knock us out of the Assembly and that does make me sad because we havent missed the Assembly in the last 10 or so years. I will miss going to it. I guess I'll just have to hear about it from all of you and order the dvds.

About the kiddos: Let's see...Isaac is getting taller and talking alot better. He is growing up so fast and has a memory like no other. He remembers everything. It amazes me. He is really excited about the baby. He says he wants another girl like Aleah. I dont quiet think he knows exactly what he is asking for, two sisters ha! I think he wants another sister because he thinks that way he wont have to share his toys, Aleah will. He is so funny..
Aleah is talking ALOT and boy do are we going to have our hands full. She is a mess. SHe already has an attitude that we have to stay after. But she is also very lovey, and fun. She is learning new stuff all the time and Isaac never fails to teach her stuff all the time. SHe loves her big brother. The kids are doing great!

Well I hear my Aleah crying so I better go for now. Talk to you all later if anyone still reads my blog! hehe

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oh Baby!

I just wanted to let everyone know that Dustin and I are having another BABY! It was a shock to us because I was hoping to wait a another year or so ,but that is not going to happen. I am 6 wks. We are excited.I will try to post more in a little while.