Saturday, June 28, 2008

Another Day

It has been a rather cool day today, its like 68 degrees right now. It is a nice change from our scorching weather of about the 80's and low 90's we have been having. hehe! I love the weather here. We all went to bed a little later last night than usual so we all slept in just a little. Aleah and I were up at 8:30am and Isaac was up around 9am. Dustin had to get up around 7:30 or so because he had a job bid this morning. I got up and showered then got the kids some cereal. I washed the dishes and and straightened a bit.
I failed to mention that since I got back from camp I have been going thru all my baby clothes and putting them in plastic tubs by sizes and genders. I have my baby clothes and my sisters. I just finished yesterday and between the two of us we have 19 totes of baby clothes ranging from 0-4t. It is crazy! i didnt ever think I would get it done but I did and it feels great! Now when it gets closer all I have to do is go and get a few sleepers and blankets of each gender and get them washed up. That will be nice. So as for all the totes, Dustin and I got to rearrange the basement and stack them all so that we could get to them. So that was another projest we accomplished today. The kids and I decided to take a nap and Dustin studied for his message for tomorrow. I cooked supper, deep fried chimichangas smothered in chili and cheese dip. Now I am backing chocolate chip cookies and then bath the kids and get them to bed soon. After we get the kids in bed I think Dustin andI are going to watch a movie I rented, "National Treasure 2". I hope it is good and desent. It is rated pg but you never know. Well thats it for tonight. Goodnight to all!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's me again....

I have really been doing good these past few weeks of blogging. Who knows maybe it will stick. Not alot around here going on just the usual. I have been trying to get laundry done since camp and I finally put the last load in the washer a little bit ago. Yipppeeee! I still have my ironing to do though,Yuck! I didnt get alot accomplished yesterday then Dus came home and we went to Burger King and then off to buy groceries. We were out of everything. We got home around 9:30pm and put the kids to bed and then I read some about having this baby at home. I have been reading alot trying to prepare myself. I have had the other two kids at a hospital so I am just reading up to see what to kind of expect. I am really excited about having this one at home. Everyone who has had any at home say it is way better. I am just looking forward to comfort and not having to be strapped down to the hospital bed and having them tell me what I can and cant do with my baby that I just gave birth too.

The funniest thing happened last night. Isaac was outside in the back yard yelling JESUS, JESUS over and over again. Dustin heard him and asked him what he was doing, his reply was "I am yelling for Jesus to come down here because I want to see Him and its taking way to long. It was so cute. Our neighbors may not have thought so but we did. Kids definetly say the cutest and funniest things. Well I guess I'll go for now I still have a lot of house work to try and get done, before cooking supper and bathing kids comes so we can go to church tonight. Take care!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Awesome Times....

We just got back from our Regional Convention and Family Camp. They were both awesome. The Lord really blessed throughout the entire time. Many blessings and healings were recieved. PTL! I wont spend the time to blog about all of it because so many others already have and honestly I cant really remember everything. Memory loss, something that comes with having kids or at least thats what I am blaming it on.

I will however tell of one particular part of camp that happened. On the second day of camp was Dustin and my 8 year anniversary. I had mentioned to Cathy Wantulok that I wish I would have brought stuff to set up a little table for us seperate during dinner just to do something special for Dus and because I thought it might possibly be the 1st time ever that I have been able to embarrase him. Well I didnt have anything to use so it was just an idea or jesture. But the next thing I know Sis. Tammy, Sis. Emilee, and Sis. Smith had this really sweet and cute table set up for us. It was so cute. Then when supper came and Sis. Shuler announced that it was our anniversary and they sang to us, Dustin comes flying across the room, running at full speed and starts kissing all over my face because I was moving to get out of the way because I thought he was going to run me over.
So, Dustin escorts me to our little table and then Br. Keven comes and serves us our food as Br. Horne begins to seranade (hope I spelled that right) us. It was hilarious. But needless to say I was once again the embarrased one and not Dustin. Then as we got our food, Jacob Shuler and Grace Alexander came and sang a really sweet song to us. It was a great little dinner. Thanks to all who had a part. And a very Happy Anniversary (late) to the love of my life, my best friend, Dustin.

Then on the last day of camp I was feeling very tired and achy. Seven months pregnant, swollen feet, and achy back were just not a good combo. So the Horne's invited us over to stay the night and get some actual rest(such a great idea) the trip home was so much better the next day than it would have been the day before. We got to the Horne's and I think we all took naps, I think mine was longer than anyones. When i woke up Sis. Becki had just finished cooking up some supper. She said she just threw together whatever she had. She made sloppy joes and a taco casserole stuff without cheese because she didnt have any. It all tasted good to me, but Br. James was not happy with it and kept agravating Sis. Becki about no cheese on the casserole, the funny thing being is that as the coolers were emptied of extra camp supplies from the kitchen we found a big bag of shredded cheese. None of you may think thats very funny but it was if you would have been there. After putting the kiddos to bed we decided to play some games. I'll just let you go over to Sis. Becki's blog and see the evidence of all the fun we had. We had such agreat time as always. Thanks again for letting us stay.

Now we are at home and I am trying to get some rest in the middle of a mound of laundry. My house feels so disgusting. I did manage to get quite a bit of things accomplished today that felt nice. I do have a few really cute things that the kids said this last week . Dustin and I were talking and Isaac asked me something and I said you wouldnt know and he looked at me and said "Mom I know Everything!" to cute. And Dustin was playing with Aleah's hair the other day and she looked at me and said "He loves my hair!" These kids are so stinking cute. And the other kiddo definetly lets me know that it is still in there and doing good. It kicks and moves all the time. Speaking of the knew one Dustin and I are having a really hard time coming up with names for this baby or at least any that we agree on, so how about some help. If you have any names boy or girl let me know. We'll see if anyone has any that we can possible agree on. Well thats it for now. Still working on getting some pictures on here.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Adventures

My little girl turned 2 years old this past Wednesday. Sad I know. Anyways she has been telling me mommy I go peepee and all so today we started potty training. Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutly hate potty training? So we set the timer for every 20 minutes and she sets there with a book for about 5 minutes. Well I just took her to the bathroom and she did nothing. SHe has been off the potty chair for about 5 minutes and she just peed in her panties. Urrrgh! That is so frustrating. Anyways hopefully she will get the hang of it soon. I really want to have her trained before this baby comes. Diapers for 2 is not a good idea.

Anyways, a post two days in a roll, WOW! look at me go.
Church was good. And now after getting supper out of the way I am ready to relax.


Saturday, June 7, 2008


I know its been forever since I last blogged, I'm not even sure anyone still checks to see if I have blogged. Alot has happened since I last blogged. Of course I cant hardly remember any of it.

Recently, We went to Oklahoma for our cousin Kylie's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding. We got to visit with everyone and it was a great time. The kids were sooooo excited to see everyone. It had been along time since we have got to see everyone and it is alot harder for them to understand why it takes so long to see everyone. We had a great trip.

The kids and I also got to go to Arkansas and see all of my family after the Oklahoma trip that was alot of fun as well. I got to see my niece for the first time since she was born and she is now almost 11 months. We had lots of cook outs and even went to the Zoo on that Saturday. The kids and I had a blast there. And now we are all back home once again.

Everything around here is going good. The kids are growing so fast and they both amaze me everyday. Isaac says the funniest things and he amazes me with his memory. And Aleah is also learning things amazingly fast. She talks in full sentences and usually gets herself into trouble. I am now 6 1/2 months and ready for September. Imagine that! We decided not to find out what this baby is and let it be a surprise. I am unbelievably tired all the time. Dustin is great and always busy.

We are making plans to attend our Regional Convention and Family Camp. Dustin has 6 classes to prepare for and I am going to help him what I can. We {I mean him} hehe is teaching the teens. We are really excited about convention and camp. But after this trip no more for me until after this baby comes because it is just toooo much. Feet swelling, exhausted, and achy, you know the usual. I hope this doesnt sound whiny. Well I have alot of good pictures of the kids but I still need to upload them, so I'll try to get them on here later. Well, I have 2 whiny kids and its time for family devotion so I 'll talk at ya later!

Goodnight all!