Monday, March 26, 2007


Here is a couple resent pictures of the kids.

I'm Baaaack!

Well, where do I start. The kids and I left on March 10th and flew to Arkansas to spend a week with my family, then met up with some of Dustin's family and spent another week. Yes, two great weeks of vacation.
Week 1: We flew out of Denver to Arkansas with a lay over at Dallas. The plane rides were great and the kids did perfect. The airport experience with two kids was exhausting,but we made it. My sister and dad picked us up at the airport and I was so glad to see them. I was so exhausted. We then traveled 2 hours to their houses. My sister had taken the week off work to be able to spend it with us. It was great and we did stuff every day. I got to spend alot time with all my family. We all got together several times and ate and visited. My sister and I went shopping as well as my mom and dad, a few times. It was a blast getting to go shopping and hang out like we used too. One of the days we took the kids to Chucky Cheese and ate and played games. The kids loved it. And that weekend my grandparents and cousins from Indiana came down to see us and everyone. We had a great time. My sister's birthday was the 16th so the entire family got together for that and we grilled steaks and all the fixings. Yum! It was sooo good. On Sunday the 18th we met Sherrie and Mike in CLarksville and we went back with them to begin week 2.
Week 2: The ride back to Oklahoma was quiet funny at times. It was funny watching Mike teasing Isaac about eating his hamburger. Then when we was on the Muskogee Turnpike, Isaac starts telling me he needs to use the bathroom, and because there is nothing for miles we decide to pull over and let him go on the side of the rode. As I get him out of the boosterseat, a highway patrol pulls up and asks Mike if everything is alright and he told him we had a 3yr old that needed to go to the bathroom and he said oh yeah let him go ahead. Then Isaac gets out there peeing and thinks its great. He's definitely all BOY! Anyways it was alot funnier then, you should have been there. The kids and I stayed with gramma and pop. We went to church that night and afterward we went to Las Fuentes. Yuuuum! I love that place and had been missing it. Then after we ate, I went to Heather's and we watched a movie. Just like old times. I did alot of stuff and I can't remember what day we did what. I know we did some shopping, just us girls while the guys played basketball, and later that night we went to Heather and Aaron's and I made a Hot Fudge Cake, and it was soooo good if I may say so myself, and we all played games. Great times! One night Heather and I whipped Leanndra and Kylie in Hand and Foot. Heather,Aaron, Ashton, Derek, Leanndra, the kids and I all went to Sherrie and Mike's and ate supper and played outside. Isaac loves going there. Isaac and Sherrie threw rocks in the pond and Derek and Sherrie rode the three kids on the tractor and lawn mower, they loved it. I'll post pictures of that later. We all had a great time there. And on Friday, gramma, Sherrie, Heather, Leanndra, Derek, Ashton,,my kids ,and I all went to the Zoo and we had a picnic. It was lots of fun. I havent'had a picnic in so long, I loved it. Then on Saturday off to the airport. The trip home wasnt so exhausting. When we was on the plane and it began to take off Isaac said; mom we are going way up in the sky. and then when we were above the clouds he said mom we arent goiing anywhere. He was so serious. It was so funny. He loved the plane ride. Dus picked us up at 4:10pm and we went to eat at Olive garden, then came home.

PS: Aleah now has 4 teeth and she took a step while in Oklahoma. I also have to say that my two nephews took right up with me and I loved it. I enjoyed seeing them.

If I forgot anything I'll post about it later. I'm tired and not quit thinking straight.


Friday, March 9, 2007

I'm Outta Here!!!

The time has come.YEAH! The kids and I fly out tomorrow headed for Arkansas and then on over to Oklahoma. We are going to visit all the family and we are so excited. We will be gone for two weeks. Poor Dus! I feel sorry for him because he doesn't get to go this time. I am really nervous about flying with the kids by myself. Mostly I'm worried about getting where I need to be on time. Pray for me!!hehe I know everything will be fine just prejitters I guess. While gone, I'm not sure how much blogging I'll be doing if any,but that just means I'll lots to tell when I get home.
By the way, Aleah is got her two top teeth coming thru.
Talk to ya bloggers, later.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Great Weekend

Well for starters, this past weekend was suppose to be our District Convention. On Thursday night at our weekly service, our Regional Overseer and his family was in service with us. It was great to have them and be able to fellowship with them. After service, we all went to Denny's and ate and had a great time. Then on Friday it snowed a little, not much, unfortunately it snowed a lot in Craig, which is where the convention was to be held, therefore, the convention was postponed.
Friday, Dustin, the kids, and I went to a few stores and then we ate at Souper!Salad! and it was really good. Gram, you would love it! hehe Then, on Saturday we got together with the Lewis family and we took the kids to Focus on the Family, they was having a big Veggie Tales Day. They had gift bags, scavenger hunts, balloons, food, door prizes, and they showed the new Veggie Tales movie"Moe and the Big Exit". It was a lot of fun and that was a great movie. We went and ate a Arby's after the movie, and then the Lewis family all came back to the house for a while. We just love those guys. It was a pretty great day and Isaac loved it.
Because the convention was cancelled for the snow that was in Craig, we had a District service in Pueblo on Sunday with whoever could be there. The members from Pueblo, Brush, Salida, Colo.Sprgs. and Denver were all there. We had a great service and fellowship. Afterwards, we did what all Church of God members do best, we went and ate.hehe
We was at Country Buffet for 3 1/2 hours, there was like almost 40 of us that went. It was a great time. It was 10:15 pm when we got home.

News about the kids, well Isaac is saying the cutest things. The other day we was driving somewhere and he said, dad I want to go to the mountains and see Jesus. He said Jesus lives in the mountains and he wants to go see him. It was really cute. Poor Aleah is cutting her two top teeth. The other day I thought I saw something black in her mouth, but when I looked it was her gums. Her gums are bruised trying to get her teeth thru. They look really bad. Other than that both kids are doing great. Thats all for now!