Monday, April 30, 2007


It was such a beautiful weekend here. I loved it. The weather was in the 70 and 80's. It was great. When Dustin got home Friday from work, we decided to go on our walk and then we stopped at the park on our way back home to let the kids play for a while. We have been trying to walk as often as we can. Then we went home and I began to cook supper.I was in the kitchen cooking Enchiladas, and I had just turned off a burner and here comes Isaac and while I had my back turned he decides to touch the burner. No matter how many times I have told him to never do that he just had to see. He started screaming and thats when I realized what he had done. He only touched it for a second so it barely burned him. It was only red for about ten minutes or so, and within the hour it didnt even hurt anymore,needless to say I dont think he'll do that again. A few hours after supper we decided to go get ice cream. Yum!! We went to Baskin Robbins and it was really good. Then we came home and started to get the kids ready for bed. We had devotion with them and sang some songs and prayed. We decided it was way way way passed time for Isaac to be drinking milk to go to bed so, starting Friday night no more milk and he did great. We also decided to try putting him to bed with underwear on instead of a diaper or pullup. We have had him potty trained for a while except at night but he had been doing really good waking us up at night and not ever having wet diapers so we decided to give it a try and he has not wet the bed once yet and he has wore underwear every night since Friday night. Yippee!!!
Saturday morning we all got up and got ready for the day. Dustin had been seeing a little truck that sells tacos and things like that and he had been wanting to try them. We got hooked on the Asada tacos while staying with the Clarksons in Brush because they had one of these little trucks that sold tacos and they are sooooo very good. So we were very excited that we found this one. So we went and got some Asada tacos and then went and got the kids McDonalds because they like that better. Those tacos were great!!
Then we wenting driving around and I went to a few yard sales. Yeah! The kids starting getting tired so we came home and put them down for a nap. When they woke up we went to the mall for a little shopping. I got a new skirt and 3 shirts at Old Navy. It was fun. Then home again to cook supper. I made baked linguine, frech bread, and broccoli.
Sunday was a busy day. We got up and I made breakfast burritos. They were good but not as good as Sis. Banuelos'. We was having Communion and Feet Washing service so I had to make some Communion bread. It was the first time, and surprisingly it turned out really good. Then we all got bathed and ready for church and off we went. We had a really good service and Dustin preached a good message. Then we did communion and feet washing. We all had such a good time in the Lord during the feet washing. After church we came home and changed clothes and headed to the park for a picnic and to let the kids play. Isaac rode his bike while we walked to the park. On the sidewalk in the park, it kind of goes downward and all of a sudden Isaac goes flying down the hill on his bike and Dustin is running after him and finally catches him with out wrecking him. Isaac loved it. He thought it was so much fun. Thats a boy for ya, or his uncle Derek for ya. They kids had a lot of fun at the park, even Aleah loved playing in the grass and wood chips. We came home around 6pm and I did some cleaning and laundry. At around 8:30pm we decided to go get ice cream again, but this time we went to DQ. Came home and Dustin and I played Phase 10,until time to put the kids to bed so we didnt get to finish our game. And that was our exciting weekend!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Our Trip......

We had a great trip this past weekend. It all started early Friday morning. We rented a car because it was cheaper to rent a car and pay for gas in it than in our Pathfinder. It saved us $75 by renting a car. Crazy huh? We had to pick the car up at 7am on Friday so we had to leave our house by 6:30am because we had to go all the way to the other end of town to pick it up. I had to get up at 5:30am to get ready. Yes, we started out our trip all ready We came back to the house and loaded the car and left at 8am. We met up with Br. Tim and Sis. Lola at Pueblo and they followed us down to Hatch, NM for our Youth Convention. The trip down went pretty good. The kids did really good and it took us around 9 hrs. We stopped at McDonalds on the way down and ate and let Isaac play. We arrived at Hatch around 5:30pm and service started at 7pm, or was suppose too. But when you go down there you are on Mexico time, which basically means whenever. lol I had never been there and it was great! We had to go in and get ready for church and then we left for service.
Friday night service great. The Lord was there from the start. Springs and Pueblo had to do song service Friday night. Then Br. Jonathan Smith preached a very good message. And we had lots of great singing. Then Br.Jimmie Brooks, the guest speaker preached and it was also a very good message.
After church, they had sandwiches and snacks for all of us to eat. So we ate and fellowshipped. We all made our way back to the motel and all ended up visiting outside and then went to bed. Saturday morning came early, we got up around 7:30am and began getting ready. Dustin got ready and went to Sis.Banuelos' Restuarant and got breakfast while the kids and I got ready. The best breakfast burritos ever!!!!!! I love it. We left for church and I had to eat on the way because I was running late. And of course on the way I got juice from the burrito on me and so I had that on me all day. We had lots of singing and worship and it was a blessing. Dustin preached a great message, what I got to hear of it. I was out with Isaac some of the time. He was something else this past weekend. I dont know what his deal was. Anyways, then Br. Horne preached and it was a blessing. One of my favorite things was hearing Sis. Katie Horne sing. That little girl is amazing with all the talents she has. We dismissed for lunch and they had prepared a huge mexican feast. It was really good. The afternoon session was a great blessing with lots of worship and preaching. God was truly there through the entire convention. Br. Banuelos preached and he has such a sincerity about him for the Lord and the work. We broke for supper break and no one was really hungry so we all decided to go to Dairy Queen and just get dessert. We all set around there fellowshipping for a while. Dus and I sat with the Kaufmanns and Br.Tim and Sis. Lola and we had a really good visit. We all ended back over at the kaufmann's room and visited until time for church. We had lots of singing during the evening service. I love to hear the spanish sing. Then Br. Brooks began to preach again and he did a great job allowing the Lord to lead him. Everyone was blessed. I know I was refreshed and I really needed it. Sometimes being the mom its hard to get to worship and pray like you would like too. But God always helps us and blesses. After church we all went back to the motel and all ended up in the Horne's room visiting. There was around 30 or 40 people in there. It was great time of fellowship. Even some of the spanish youth came over and it was a lot of fun being with them. They are great!
It started getting late and Aleah was already asleep and Isaac was cranky and wanting to go to bed so we decided to go to our room. We put the kids to bed and then there was a knock on the door, I opened it and low and behold there stood an angel with pajamas on with a COKE ZERO in hand. I love those, Coke Zero's that Okay the angel was really Sis. Shuler.~grin~ A few minutes later there was another knock on the door and Dustin answered it this time and it was Br. Horne bringing us some salsa from the Soto's store. They sent salsa to everyone. They are som giving. And it is really good by the way!
Then off to bed we went. Sunday morning we got up around 9am and got ready,loaded the car, and told everyone goodbye. We then went to the Banuelos' Restaurant for Brunch. We ate with the Horne's, Lewis's, Br. Tim, and Sis. Lola. The food was so good! We all stayed around visiting with Br.Banuelos, Br. Hector, and Sis. Erika until noon, all except the Horne's. They went ahead and headed out. We all then went down to the Soto's store and all left there with loads of stuff. We was there until 1:30pm and then we all headed out. We had a good travel home and we stopped with the Lewis's at Arby's for dinner in Raton, NM. We got home around 11:30pm Sunday night. Well that concludes our trip.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Let's see.......

The weather has been pretty nice the last few days and it was gorgeous last Sunday. Last Sunday was our share service and the members from Pueblo came up and had service with us. It was great. I love having service with them. Br. Keven preached for us and it was a very good message. After service we all went to Pizza Hut and ate and fellowshiped. It was a lot of fun!
After all the fun at Pizza Hut, Dus, the kids, and I all went for a walk and it was very relaxing. We even walked right up by some deer and they just stood there and looked at us. Isaac loved it! Of course he wanted to shoot them and eat them.hehe
Oh, on Saturday we went driving around looking at houses, boring to some but quite fun for me. Anyways Isaac asked if Jesus lives in a big house or a little house? Dustin told him that Jesus lives in heaven and that it is a very big place, and he told him that some day if we are good and obeyed Jesus we would get to go live with him in heaven. Some time had passed and Isaac said, dad I'm being really good, you and mommy are being good and Aleah is being good. He was waiting on Jesus to come get us. So cute! He said, dad you have to be good and mind me so you can go to heaven too. We just laughed. The things he comes up with.
Aleah is definetly starting to get her own little attitude. She was wanting something this morning from Isaac and he wouldn't give it to her so she just slapped him and yelled. Of course I had to tell her to be nice and stop slapping. Trust me she knows what I'm saying. She has around 7 or 8 teeth. She doesnt let you look in her mouth. Both kids are doing great and are growing so fast. Aleah has outgrown her little baby bed so I have been looking for a toddler bedto go ahead and put her in. I want one that is low to the ground so she won't fall.
This weekend is our Youth Convention in Hatch, NM. I am very excited about going to it. I am looking forward the blessings that I am confident we will all recieve. Talk to all you bloggers later!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Pictures!!!

Here is Easter pictures of the kids. It snowed all day on Easter so we hid eggs in the apartment. The kids didn't mind they was just excited about the eggs. We had a really good Easter service. Well I will blog more later just wanted to get these pictures on here.
PS. I cheated off of you Heather and made a slide show too. hehe


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What a Week

This past week has been a rough one. Last Friday night, Aleah woke me up in the middle of the night,really sick. She was running very high fevers and just crying non-stop. I had no clue what was wrong because she was great when I put her to bed that night. We had decided to go house looking on Saturday,but after a couple hours I checked Aleah's temp. and it was 102.7. Yikes! I was a little nervous so I told Dustin that we should go home and I gave her a lukewarm bath and the fever came down a little ,but within the hour it was right back up. It even got up to 103.4 at one point. I was really nervous. She didn't have any other symptoms other than the fever and just laying around so I really had no clue. She was cutting two more teeth which she now has making a total of 6 teeth. She has been having arough time cutting her teeth so I assumed it was that. She was sick for four days and today she is playing and being mostly her old self. I was so excited to see her smile for the first time in 4 days. Thank you to everyone that has been praying for her.
Last Sunday Isaac and I made a tomb in Sunday School. We talked about Jesus dying onthe cross and being placed in a tomb, and how Jesus was resurrected and we made the tomb out of modeling clay(great stuff) and we made it where the stone was rolled away. It was lots of fun and looked pretty neat. He loved it.