Monday, August 25, 2008

Crashed and Miserable...

...thats the story of my life this last little bit. The reason I have not been blogging is because the Sunday night of the Assembly after the Assembly was over,PTL!, the computer got a virus and down she went. We still have the laptop but that thing is soooo slow that I refuse to use it. But we went to Aurora this past Saturday and Br. Jonathan fixed it for us. Thank you, thank you! And we got to hang out and enjoy some good burgers on the grill and lots of great fellowship. Thats always a plus.

The miserable part is how I feel. Whine, Whine, Complain! I know get over it. I have about 2 1/2 weeks left. And boy am I ready! I am getting very excited as are the kids because it is finally getting here. Nine months is a looonngg time for a 4 and 2 yr olds.Dustin and I are planning on going on a date on Friday night, if no baby. Sis. karen is going to keep the other kiddos. They love her. Dustin and I havent been on a date without kids but maybe 2 or 3 times since Isaac. So I am very excited.

I really missed being at the assembly. I did however enjoy getting to watch it though. I missed seeing everyone. So hi everyone.

Well thats it for now. BLog more later!